Here is how you add an account on your Samsung Device. Please note, these instructions will work on an S7, S8, S9 or S10 device. Some devices may be different depending on the way you have set up your phone.
- Unlock your phone and go to the home screen
- Open up the email app.
On some screens, the app can be located at the bottom of the screen where the fixed icons are or;
Within the full apps which can be found by swiping up on the screen, Looking for the “Samsung Folder” group which you would find the default email app.
If you have never set up an account in the app before, you will be presented with a “Set up Email” screen or if you already have an existing account, you may need to bring up the menu by clicking on the three lines icon up the top of screen then pressing the grey coloured config cog icon on the left-hand side of the screen.
Finally, click the “Add account” option – this is normally below your other email accounts.
If you are using cpanel to administer your email accounts, you need to select “Other”
- In the Add new Account section,
- Enter your full email address – i.e
- Enter the password that was issued to you or you have set up in cpanel when you created your email account.
- Click “Sign In” at the bottom right-hand side.
A pop up “Select Account Type” box will appear.
- Select POP3 or IMAP.
If you are unsure which to use, please read this article.
In the “Server settings” screen
In the username box, you need to correct this in 2 places to your full email address
- Under the email address
- Under outgoing server (under the “Require Authentication to send emails” checkbox) – you may need to scroll down for this.
Finally, you can now press “Sign in” at the bottom of the screen